Love, Lisa Owen 



Feb 23, 2023


Do you feel joy in your day?  Do you make time for joy? Is joy something you can bring into your life easily?  If the answer to any of these is no, I can help. 

Why is joy important?  I believe joy is why we are on this earth.  Joy helps to support a lightness of being. It helps us see love in our life clearly.  It’s our opportunity to release some of the heaviness that creeps in from the world around us. 

Joy is an amazing thing.  Joy can come from out of nowhere and surprise you. Joy can also be cultivated. Joy can be a daily practice and it can be a state of being.  Joy can be simple.

Where do you find joy?  When do you experience this feeling? Although it may seem difficult sometimes, joy is always one thought away.  Think about how it feels when you hear your favorite song – that’s joy and it’s easier than ever to make happen.  What about when you see a kiddo do something that makes them super proud – that’s joy and you can pull a memory like that up anytime.  Have you tried “playing” recently?  Give it a shot – joy is there.  You can also smile like a goofball – I promise there is joy there.  Be the person who laughs easily – instant joy.

An amazing thing about joy – it’s yours. It lights the way to YOUR unique purpose.  The ways  YOU find joy are the guideposts to YOUR unique and best life.

Here’s to a joyful vibe only one thought away!

Lisa Owen


Periodically,  "Love, Lisa Owen" brings you the thoughts, affirmations, journal prompts and tons of tips and tricks to live your very best life - starting NOW!

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